
Publisher Letter: Replace Fear with Gratitude

Publisher Bob Hunt

By BOB HUNT, Publisher

The last 20 months we have been facing fear.

We all have been going through uncharted territory. I could list the topics, but you can ponder the last couple years and decide what was driving your decisions. What was pushing your envelope? What did you shake your head at in disbelief?

Some of us were afraid to leave home. Now that we have decided to venture out, we wince with fear when we hear someone nearby cough.

There’s an uncanny divide between those who are sure of science and those who are sure the science will be our demise.

The small business people of the inland Northwest have weathered an unprecedented storm of dips.

The Great Resignation, fueled by many factors, is real. Some workers had to change without choice. Others reflected on their lives and values and decided change had to happen.

Restaurants had to shuffle schedules and get creative to keep the doors open. Retailers are bracing themselves for continued and anticipated supply shortages.

Everyone in the supply chain is pointing fingers at the cause. Yet no solutions have emerged.

Tempers flair, as our average fuse is shorter than we remember. Most of us were calmer a few years ago.

There is hope. Always.

You may have heard the saying,“Treat everyone nicely because you have no idea what they are going through.” What if you were to count to five before reacting to an idiotic situation? 

Ok, count to 10. 

The person who cut you off in traffic or took too long to bring your fries may have something going on that is much worse than you can imagine.

Try this simple solution. Gratitude.

It’s difficult to be a jerk when you remember how fortunate you are. Yes, even the toughest times have shown us we Americans can triumph. Consider other countries with fewer choices, where people have less. 

Natural reactions to fear are anger and animosity. Don’t let yourself fall into being a jackass. Take a deep breath, and remember cool minds prevail.

The newspaper business is no stranger to challenge. I admit, when events and small businesses were closing, they stopped advertising. We felt the pain and fear first hand. Many stuck with us because they wanted to reach you, our readers. Our audience.

Page through and notice the businesses and organizations that have invested in advertising. Invested in us. Invested in you.

Please support them. Buy their olive oil, or their insurance plans. Visit your local brewpub, and get some food. Tour the facility, and attend the concerts. Cut out the coupon, and visit. 

The community spirit unfolding in these pages will kill the fear in all of us.

I am thankful for our readers, advertisers, staff, and production partners. There are a lot of moving parts to get this into your hands. And I am grateful.

So fear not—a new year arrives. Here’s to a happy and peaceful 2022!. MSN

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