Check out these interesting stories!
Happy New Year: Kagami Biraki
I’m at the age where I usually don’t make it to midnight on New Year’s Eve.
Beloved Culver Horse Donated for Therapy Program
Patton is 17 hands tall, weighing about 1,700 lbs. Culver Academies donated him to Holistic Riding Equine Therapy, where he will easily carry large students.
Give Yourself Priority in the New Year
Give yourself priority in 2023, beginning with caring for your health. Exercise is not only beneficial for physical your health, but for your mental health too.
Time for the Old Folks on the Zipline!
There are no guidebooks for grandparenting as children age. When they’re teens? It’s hard to go wrong with a zipline.
Lynn’s Garage Gym
“Lynn’s Garage Gym” opened in 2020, and it has saved a few of us from becoming slugs, sitting on sofas surrounded by Tootsie Roll wrappers.
Life Lesson from a Bike Accident
It’s all about perspective. Instead of mourning the losses from my bike accident, I reflected on all the thrills I’ve had right up to age 73.
Home Again, Thanks to Masked Earth Angels
Last summer our neighborhood howled every evening, honoring our masked Earth angels. I want to start that tribute again — I owe them my life.
Quotations That Speak To Me and For Me
You can know people by the quotations that crop up in their conversation. Those phrases provide clear insight into character.
The Healing Power of Pie
Remembering Grandma making pies for folks who were ailing or going through a hard time. She baked every pie out of love or compassion.
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