

Take care of winter skin


Many people who bruise easily breathe a sigh of relief in the winter, because long sleeves and leggings or slacks can conceal myriad skin issues. But, it’s important to note that while the outside world can’t see what’s going on under the layers, leaving these issues untreated may lead to more serious problems down the road.

A healthy skincare regimen is important no matter what season it is, particularly as you age and skin becomes more fragile.

“Just like our bones, aging skin can get brittle and break,” says dermatologist, Dr. Helen Torok. “Over time, the skin’s barrier can be broken down due to a variety of factors. Luckily, you can help prevent skin aging issues with an effective year-round skincare routine. While your skin transitions from one decade to the next, taking preventative measures to help maintain a strong, healthy and resistant skin barrier is key.”

As skin ages and thins, it can become more vulnerable to insults that might not have bothered it before, manifesting in black and blue bruises on your body. However, by using a product like DerMend Moisturizing Bruise Formula, you can help fragile skin that is prone to bruising and restore it’s natural barrier that may have been affected by aging, sun exposure or certain medications. This dermatologist-recommend cream contains ceramides, Retinol, arnica oil and glycolic acid and is available at Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid, and Walmart stores nationwide.

According to Dr. Torok, “Applying DerMend twice daily to the areas of your skin that are prone to bruising can help improve skin’s appearance and restore it to better health. It’s important to be proactive and consistent with application.”

There are also other factors besides thinning skin that may lead to bruising and the breakdown of your skin’s barrier. These include aging, genetics, medication and lifestyle. Sun damage can also play a major role. The sun does not just disappear in winter and neither should your sunscreen and other UV protection. Too much sun exposure over your lifetime can make you more susceptible to skin problems later in life. Apply sunscreen to exposed skin year-round.

So, don’t use the winter months as an excuse to take a vacation from your skincare regimen. Start building a strong skin barrier as early as you can and consult your dermatologist about yours today. The thinning of the skin is a gradual process and early intervention can help you get on the right track.

PHOTO SOURCE: (c) aletia2011 –

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