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August 1, 2018

Steve Keller Montana DJ and music entertainer

The Golden Voice of the Rockies

Steve Keller of Great Falls loves his dual life as radio DJ and music entertainer. “For as long as I can remember, I’ve just always known I wanted to be an entertainer.”

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The Iron Nun

The Iron Nun

One doesn’t normally think of a Catholic nun in terms of running marathons and Ironman competitions. Sister Madonna Buder is not only an exemption to those thoughts but may well be the best at her age to ever compete in the Ironman. Now at 88, she still travels around the country to compete in triathlons; thus the reason for her nickname.

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LIF-My name is Michelle and I think I am your daughter

My Name is Michelle, and I Think I’m Your Daughter

“When I saw the name on the return address, I thought the letter was from an old summer-camp friend that I’d lost touch with. But as soon as I began reading, I realized it wasn’t from her … It was two pages long and included a photo of a pretty woman with her husband and two children. She also looked enough like her birth father to leave no doubt as to who she was.”

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Pacifico Reflections: Bull's Eyes

Bull’s Eyes

For years his prowess with a rifle was unchallenged. He never shot anything but a bull’s eye. In fact, some folks said, he was so good he could light a stick match with a single shot from his .22 at a hundred yard. A fellow once said he could even do it blindfolded. No one had ever seen him do it, but everyone believed he could just the same. 

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Montana Heritage Orchards

Montana Heritage Orchards

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” has been good advice for well over a hundred years. This little bit of wisdom has been lost on Montanans from pioneer days to the present time basically because locally grown fruit has been seemingly non-existent, especially to the central and eastern part of the state. Brent Sarchet, Montana State University Extension Agent of Lewis and Clark County, and Toby Day, Montana State University Extension Horticulture Specialist, have set out to change that.

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MT Drive-Ins

Cinema by Starlight—Montana’s Drive-In Movie Theaters

I remember going to the Sunset Drive-In as a child in Helena, Mont., with my parents, who would fold down the back seats of our station wagon and have sleeping bags and pillows laid out for us. My dad would clean the windshield with Windex and newspapers before we left the house. Even though my mom would bring a picnic basket full of snacks, we’d still walk down to the concession stand to get popcorn in a paper bucket the size of a milk pail, the salty kernels swimming in butter.

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Golfing on the Brain

Golfing On the Brain

Playing a round of golf on any one of the many outstanding courses in Montana benefits the brain and body just as much as any of the other outdoor activities. Walking and swinging a club increases blood flow, improving nerve cell connections in your brain, which in turn improves strategic thinking and hand-eye coordination. You burn around 1000 calories per round, a little less if you are using a cart, a little more if you are walking. Also, focusing on that little white ball both near and far improves vision by working the eye muscles.

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Late Summer Wines

Late Summer Wines

August and September are filled with scrumptious, ripe vegetables from the garden, the smells of jam made from home-grown fruit, and lazy evenings grilling outside with friends and family.

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