
Publisher Letter: Switchbacks

Photo of Bob Hunt, publisher of Montana Senior News

By BOB HUNT, Publisher

Spring is finally raising its head. April is here.

On our land we have a long driveway. It’s a quarter mile in its entirety, but a lot of it is either downhill or uphill, depending on whether we’re going to or coming back from town.

Each season has its challenges, but this last winter seemed longer, darker, and more difficult at the switchback. For readers not knowing what that is, a switchback is a sharp bend in a road or trail on a steep incline.

A hard turn in the winter is an understatement.

By the time the calendar page flips to March, our switchback has berms of snow from plowing, and they’re about 4 feet high. It’s hard to describe the feeling of losing traction on a switchback with ice at its base. You make it half-way up then careen backwards like an out-of-control bobsledder. Sometimes we get stuck at the “switch” and have to rescue a vehicle crosswise on the driveway. That’s only happened three times this winter.

Then glorious spring hits with its warmer temps and sunshine. The berms eventually melt away, and the snow and ice clears, making for a much easier (and stress-free) approach to home-sweet-home.

A switchback can be a good metaphor for life—you struggle on the uphill climb with all its precarious turns, but eventually you hit smooth coasting headed home.

We hope you enjoy this issue as well as wish you smooth coasting into spring. 

On another note, we are partnering with the Missoula Paddleheads baseball organization, planning a Gorgeous Granny Day event for later this summer. It’s a day dedicated to seniors and baseball, two of our favorite things. Read more about it inside.

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