
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

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Balding man

By Wanda Haynes

Hair loss is a traumatic experience for both men and women.

Side effects from medications, heredity, alopecia, and the aging process, can strip hair away temporarily or permanently.

It can start gradually with a few hairs in the sink and a few more on the pillow.

A swim in the river of denial is commonplace when the hair starts to thin.

Combing it over to disguise the bald spots is one reaction and teasing the hair sky high is another. Most people are willing to fight back and the fight will be an uphill battle. Let’s face it our hair can help define who we are, and the way others see us.

Hair is a sign of youth, stamina, good health, a sense of style, and when it falls out we feel we are losing more than our hair.

Self-esteem is the fuel that gets us through the day when everything and everyone tells us we’re inadequate. Finding new paths to that healthy mindset has to be a priority, and our self-esteem can’t depend on a full head of hair.

Once we come to the harsh reality that our hair might not continue our life’s journey with us, it is then time to look for solutions.

There are surgical procedures that replace hair loss, the hair follicles are removed from the back of the head and placed in the balding areas generally in the top of the head. This can be very expensive and possibly painful. However, plenty of people both men and women say it changed their lives.

The before and after pictures are amazing, the companies have videos that explain the entire procedure, and they might have special pricing for seniors. Always check reviews on companies that practice any type of medical procedures.

The list of hair growth products is endless, chose those products that have been approved by the (FDA) food and drug administration. Experiment with all the lotion, potions, oils, creams, and the sprays that fill in bald spots. Perhaps one or more of these products will work.

Toupees have come a long way from the “rugs” of yesteryear, and they can be made of human hair. Think about wearing a toupee before it’s truly needed, instead of waiting to lose all the hair in a particular area. This way the illusion isn’t so easy to detect.

Wigs can be a gal’s best friend and there’re numerous wig boutiques, and online websites that sell them. Celebrity wigs and hair pieces are all the rage, and they are often better quality than a regular wig.

Wearing a wig can be fun and it’s a fabulous way to experiment with lengths, color, and style. Try being a red head on Monday, wearing long braids Thursday, and a purple shag for a weekend look. Create a new you and sample new horizons with wigs and hair pieces.

One draw back to wearing a wig is they can be heavy and hot, and if menopause has reared its sadistic side this might be something to contemplate. Like toupees wigs have come a long way, the foundation of the wig is light weight and allows cool air to circulate through the scalp.

On a hot a day when a wig might be cumbersome, a silk scarf is a high class look for a lady on the go and while at the pool side. If tied tight enough the scarf will stay on during a short swim and scarfs can be matched to any bathing suit.

There are many tutorials on YouTube that instruct scarf wearers on the latest trends and how to tie the scarf in various styles. Treat yourself to a designer scarf with fancy logos and flaunt your passion for all things fashion forward.

How about a hat with some all-out style to promote a healthy ego in a senior with hair loss. There are many brands, styles, and colors for both men and women.

Being bald isn’t sounding so bad after all, is it?

Just because we have less hair shouldn’t mean that we use less quality shampoos and conditioners. Whatever amount of hair is left, it’s still worthwhile and should be treated with the same respect.

More power to those who are bald and proud of it, and don’t adjust or cover-up. Don’t feel as if you must cover up for those people who judge and make rude comments. Inner beauty is where true beauty originates and radiates. MSN

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