
Golf Addict: Holiday Edition

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Golf Decoration

By Don Walter

Happy Holidays from your favorite Golf Addict. Wow what a year of golf! As far as feeding addictions go, I really fed the monster. I played over 60 eighteen-hole rounds (don’t share that stat with my wife), and I checked a lot of the boxes that make it a real successful golf season!
Do you think I wanted it to end? No way. Golf is way too much fun to end. However, I have made it through the grumpy month. That’s what my wife refers to as November. It’s the grumpy month because that’s how I act all month until Thanksgiving. I’m bummed that the golf season is over and I guess I let it show. What’s a guy to do. I miss the green grass, I miss the sights, the smells, the sounds, I miss it all. Plus, I miss all the great people that make up our local golf community and it makes me grumpy!

So as the grumpy month turns to the Holidays and the new year my emotions level out. I mostly am distracted with all the Holiday hub bub, football, basketball, and going to the gym. Yes, I said the G word. Now that I have discovered all the online workout instructions geared toward golf, I am modestly interested in going regularly. I have tricked myself into working out by watching videos of the best golfers in the world doing specific workouts that I can do too. Boy does my mind explode with all the “gains” I’m getting for my golf game. There’s lots of daydreaming about how if I do these workouts, I can improve my golf game. In the spring maybe I’ll hit the ball further.

Uh, not so fast skippy. Sure, working out has its health benefits but I’ve seen this scenario play out before. When a guy steps on the first tee in the spring after a winter in the weight room, and then challenges the Club Champ to a match. The challenger tops it thirty yards just past the front tee box, proving all those “gains” didn’t amount to squat. Winter is a terrible thing for golf swings. Lift, jog, stretch, do it all. If it keeps your golf addiction at bay that’s great but don’t fool yourself that it will equate to a better golf game for the average guy.
Golf is hard, that’s why it’s so addictive. It’s never been beaten. Sure, golfers have incredible days and feel like they beat golf, but then they go through the day and realize how many times they messed up even on their best day. There’s no magic plan in the weight room or on the driving range. Don’t ask Santa for golf training aids, ask him for golf balls, because that’s what you’re really going to need, no matter what.

Golf balls are the best gift anyone can give a golf addict. On a good day a golfer may use one or two golf balls on a bad day the number is higher. A lot higher. A dozen golf balls seem like a lot but really think about it and that may be a couple rounds depending on the handicap of your favorite golfer. Two dozen golf balls hit the sweet spot. Now, that’s information you can share with my wife. Although, then she will know how much I spend on golf balls… hmm. Tough call. Yes, golf balls are a good gift for any golfer.

Enjoy the Holidays everyone! And remember to keep all us golf addicts in your thoughts. Winter will be over soon! Right? MSN

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